Stanley Gibbons Europe Volume 8: Italy and Switzerland

Stanley Gibbons Europe Volume 8: Italy and Switzerland

  • Language: English
  • Colour printed
  • Softback

Content: Italy, Italian States, Castelrosso, Dodecanese Islands, Fiume, Trieste, Eritrea, Italian Colonies, Italian East Africa, Italian Post Offices in China, Italian Post Offices in Crete, Italian Post Offices in the Turkish Empire, Libya, Somalia, Liechtenstein, San Marino, Switzerland, United Nations (Geneva), Vatican City, International Organizations located in Switzerland: League of Nations, International Labour Office, International Education Office, World Health Organization, International Refugees Organization, World Meteorological Organization, Universal Postal Union, United Nations, International Telecommunications Union, World Intellectual Property Organization, International Olympic Committee

Find other products of: 国家目录/手册, 意大利, 列支敦士登, 瑞士, 梵蒂冈, 世界目录, 赤柱长臂猿.



SKU Parent: bsgeu8
年份: 2013
產品名: Supplies